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‘Ethical iPhone’ protests hit Apple stores – CNN

February 9, 2012 by  
Filed under iPhone News

6 - 'Ethical iPhone' protests hit Apple stores - CNN
The Guardian
- 'Ethical iPhone' protests hit Apple stores - CNN
'Ethical iPhone' protests hit Apple stores
Calling for an "ethical iPhone," it asks Apple CEO Tim Cook to "overhaul the way [Apple's] suppliers treat their workers." Horror stories have kicked around the tech industry for years about the conditions at the Chinese factories almost all major US
Ethical-iPhone activists deliver petitions to Apple storesCNET (blog)
Protesters Deliver Petition for Ethical iPhone to NYC Apple StorePC Magazine
People protest Apple's labor conditionsWashington Post
Ars Technica –New York Daily News –Tom’s Guide
all 297 news articles »

View full post on iphone – Google News

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