Tuesday, November 12, 2024

How To Make Money With iPhone PART 1

December 1, 2012 by  
Filed under iPhone Videos

CHECK OUT MY WEBSITE ABOUT JUNO/BAMBOO WALLET arabionator23-junowallet.webs.com Do you have iPhone/iPad/Android device? Do you love various apps for iPhone/iPad/Android device? Do you want to get paid apps for free? Now you can get iTunes and other gift cards for completely free. REMEMBER IT DOES **NOT** REQUIRE JAILBREAK!!! PART 1.JunoWallet and Bamboo Wallet. (FOR APPLE DEVICES AND ANDROID) PART 2.r.junowallet.com =HTML5 companion website on your mobile browser (ONLY FOR APPLE DEVICES)…sorry android How it works? Note: the following description is for iOS version, but it is similar for Android version also. Step 1: Download both the apps. JunoWallet is a very good and genuine company. It has two FREE apps in the iTunes app store. JunoWallet: itunes.apple.com BambooWallet: itunes.apple.com Android: play.google.com Step 2 : login with your Facebook account or create a new account with JunoWallet. Remember, only one account per iOS device can earn credits. So no cheating! The JunoWallet people have programmed the apps to prevent any type of cheating. Step 3: The app will ask for invite code: here enter my code(MS1148566). When you enter this code, you’ll automatically get $0.25 as a reward. Step 4: Tap “rewards per install”. Here a list of apps will be shown. Tap the app name to download the app. All these apps are free. After downloading, open the app for at least a minute. Step 5: When you come back to JunoWallet, you’ll receive the credits. Repeat this for all the

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