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Samsung claims iPad Mini, latest iPod violate its patents – CNET

November 23, 2012 by  
Filed under iPad News

6 - Samsung claims iPad Mini, latest iPod violate its patents - CNET
- Samsung claims iPad Mini, latest iPod violate its patents - CNET
Samsung claims iPad Mini, latest iPod violate its patents
Samsung charged Wednesday that Apple's iPad Mini, fourth-generation iPad and fifth-generation iPod Touch violate its patents. The company asked a federal district court to add the products to its latest patent fight with the Cupertino, Calif., computer
Samsung claims iPad mini, iPad 4, new iPod touch also infringe patentsZDNet
Samsung Adds iPad Mini, 4th Generation iPad And 5th Generation iPod Touch TechCrunch
Samsung Claims the iPad Mini Infringes Its PatentsGizmodo –Latinos Post –Engadget
all 268 news articles »

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