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Pope Tweets for First Time, Uses iPad – WebProNews

June 29, 2011 by  
Filed under iPad News

6 - Pope Tweets for First Time, Uses iPad - WebProNews
Sydney Morning Herald
- Pope Tweets for First Time, Uses iPad - WebProNews
Pope Tweets for First Time, Uses iPad
The Tweet was sent by Pope Benedict XVI on a shiny new iPad after he was given a quick tour of the new site on the device. The Tweet comes from the Vatican news account, @news_va_en. Here is the Pope's tweet: Here's a video of Benedict's first Tweet.
Pope Benedict XVI sends out first tweet on his
Pope uses iPad to send first tweetBBC News
Pope's first tweet marks Vatican social media revolutionAFP
ChristianToday –PadGadget –TG Daily
all 934 news articles »

View full post on ipad – Google News

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