Monday, January 20, 2025

Apple’s iPad now definitively replacing PC sales in education – Apple Insider

September 4, 2012 by  
Filed under iPad News

6 - Apple's iPad now definitively replacing PC sales in education - Apple Insider
- Apple's iPad now definitively replacing PC sales in education - Apple Insider
Apple's iPad now definitively replacing PC sales in education
Apple Insider
Apple's iPad now definitively replacing PC sales in education. By Neil Hughes. Published: 08:23 AM EST (05:23 AM PST). Market data in the June quarter showed with certainty for the first time ever that Apple's iPad is replacing sales of traditional PCs
Charlie Wolf: Apple's iPad is clearly cannibalizing PC salesFortune
PC or Mac: Which Should You Choose?PluggedIn

all 8 news articles »

View full post on ipad – Google News

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